Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Speak up & Act // Against Racism

It's been a while since we posted a blog piece. We've been having a crazy workload since the Crona virus kicked in and didn't have a chance to write some fun updates. A lot has been happening this past week. And since we think this is a pressing matter we want to address what should be addresses.

I am a strong believer in speaking up and acting on what you think is right. I am privileged simply because I can speak up. My life's not in danger if I do so. That alone is being privileged. I was born in a country that flourished due to our horrific history. We don't face this history though. Don't teach our children and don't own it. It makes us uncomfortable, so let's not talk about it. But any problem that's not addressed will keep coming back to you until you deal with it. Because we don't face it, it has room to spread from generation to generation. In our history books slavery doesn't really get mentioned. Half a page is written about our dark history. That's all the teaching we do in our schools. A few years ago our prime minister said "we should have more of a VOC mentality." The fact that a leader of a country refers to our VOC history as a - good example - of the mentality we should have is beyond me. Only a white man says such a thing. Ignorance is bliss.

As a young child I was fascinated by the American culture. I read books about Matin Luther King, researched the KKK for school projects. I wanted to educate myself in order to understand. I still, up until this day, do not understand. I try to wrap my head around things but I will never get it. Never will I get why people compete with eachother. Murder eachother. Hate eachother. And I feel powerless.

The only thing I know is creation. Creation is something optimistic I believe. To create something that wasn't here before reminds me we can create another truth, another reality. We can create a better way. We need to address our history. Speak about our own legacy. With knowledge and engagement comes the opportunity to do things differently. Let go of the past. Teach our children not to hate. Show them how to love and actively include minorities. Even though The Netherlands has a different story to tell, we do have too much room for racism. Still. Let's create another reality.

Creation is the only way we know how to respond. We created some prints that are up for sale in our Spoonflower shop. All proceeds will go to the Black Lives Matter fund.