I love designers sketch books. But I am always a little intimidated when artists are willing to open up their sketch books and show them to the world. To me a sketch is a very personal, and sometimes emotional even, piece of myself so the thought of someone grabbing my sketch book and take a look and wander through the pages feels like someone is reading my personal diary. But I have a visual profession so sharing my work, also my sketches and research is also part of the deal.
I try to take a moment each day to sit down with a piece of paper and draw. It is something I have been doing ever since I could hold a pencil (I did have a little break as a teen though) and even when I am traveling I carry a tiny little notebook for small 'visual notes.' But you will never see me draw in public, while drawing I feel exposed and I rather be making illustrations at home with a cup of coffee next to me. While I was in Art School I remember painting classes, where we had to sit down and paint for three hours straight. Those were impossible!
To sit down and draw I have to find some peace and quiet first. I do sketch almost every day, but to sit down and create an entire collection of new designs I have to feel completely in the zone. Depending on my mood I use ink or paint to sketch. Usually at night, when I sit down and sketch while watching a movie or documentary I use a micron pen. The best solution for creating and bad lighting. Even the weirdest sketches can turn out to be a fabric design or part of a new collection. They can be abstracts or every day items. Little moments of life. Anything can be a source of inspiration and part of my sketching ritual.
When I decide to share some sketches they are usually in the last stage of a process, when they are almost ready to go digital. These are usually the ink drawings I share via Instagram of via our Little Smilemakers Facebook page. Maybe one day I will have the guts to post an overview of the ones that did not make the final cut. The first drawings and sketches I messed up before I got to a point where I thought they were more easy on the eyes. I wonder if I will have the guts. But here are some sketches. The foundaton of many designs that are eventually used for fabric and home decoration. Hope you enjoy them! If you are curious about my workflow follow #littlesmilemakers on Instagram.