Since my last trip, New York in June, I have been working on several Shutterstock things. Taking over Instagram later this week, I have been setting up Holland's first Drink & Draw contributor's event for Shutterstock but also I have been writing a piece for the contributor's blog which let me to think about what I do and what is important to me.
I feel so blessed that I am able to do what I do now. Make my living with illustrations and patterns. During my studies I found it hard to choose a more 'abstract' way of living. So instead of choosing Illustration as mayor I studied graphic design and typography. This foundation, combined with my passion for illustration and photography makes my work so much more diverse each day. I am so happy for choosing another direction and not be limited like other designers. For me designing is about inventing, diversity, searching for solutions between the 'set rules' for the final product and my own hand writing merged into a piece that works for the company I work with.
I see lot's of designers trying to hold on to their own handwriting, meaning repeating designs, they just end up making the same thing over and over again. I love to experiment with different types of materials. Ink, paper cutting, vector drawing. I am so happy to work with all these different techniques and companies still choose me for my own style. The foundation of my designs is always visible. I think every artist evolves. When a musician looks back on the music he made years ago he would say: "I would do that completely different now". I would be bored out of my head if I had to make the same design in another version day after day.
I do have some preferences, white backgrounds, poplin' colors, I work with. Some limitations to a design are necessary to accomplish a great result. But do not limit yourself. Let the client set your rules and stay open for growth. If you then are able to trust your own skills and experience you can make a living with doing what you love.
My inspiration lies in diversity and experiencing new things, I think my designs reflect that what is most important to me.
Featured images are available via Sutterstock, Society6 & Spoonflower. Also available for licensing.