Designing an entire collection always takes some time from start to production and to finish. But after months of eagerly waiting on the result, the collection will be available in the Veritas shops from tomorrow on. Fashion accessories, bags, scarfs and en entire Veritas Sewbedo collection, it's all there. If you haven't got time to visit a store location, check their online shop and let them deliver your favorite items on your doorstep.
This project for me has been very fun to work at. My 'creative career' started with a brief study in Belgium. Wen I was fifteen I started my Visual Design studies in Antwerp and there i discovered the Veritas shop. I fell in love with there very 'different from Dutch market' collection. Now almost 15 years later I hope someone will feel the same way looking at my collection. I still visit the shop every fall for new warm winter items.
The Veritas collection contains very wearable cozy fall items. But also some more crafty items like fabric by the yard and stitched patches and sewing boxes. So hopefully you can find something suitable for yourself.
Fan of the Little Smilemakers prints? Check our facebook page about upcoming projects, new fabric and paper goods.