Saturday, March 8, 2025

Happy International Women’s Day

As a female business owner I've crossed paths with so many amazing women the past 13 years. We are proud to say the majority of our collabs is with Woman lead businesses. Role models who are breaking barriers. Re-write history and live their dreams. Goodness I am proud to be one amongst you all! 

During International Women’s Day we celebrate our achievements and support one another. A few years ago we celebrated International Women's Day with our 'Women making a Difference' series of illustrations. This illustration features Malala Yousafzai. One of 10 inspirational ladies that changed the course of history. Scientists, Influencers, Fighting for social justice. The true influencers of our time.

For those who don’t know this lady, she fought for girl’s education under the Taliban regime and was caught in a crossfire and shot by Taliban when she was driving home from school. She talks about why it’s important to educate women. And she has written a beautiful book about her own personal story that is a reflection of so many girls. If you haven’t read it: go do so. It’s truly inspiring.

I strongly believe everyone can add something beautiful to this planet, big or small, as long as you stay close to who you are. We want our children to grow up in a world filled with generosity right? Rather than fear and control we want to be let by freedom and joy? We should share the works of trailblazers, people who make the world a little kinder, more often. We’re all in this together. Today we celebrate the unity that is Womenhood. With Malala and all those amazing powerful ladies, making a difference.

If you want to use our designs or illustrations for your business you can find more info about using our designs commercially on our website.

Friday, February 28, 2025

Mixing Surface Patterns with Wall Art & Fashion Prints

For almost 14 years we've been creating prints designs. The past few years we've also created a lot of other graphic artworks. Last month we sent out our new Fruit Punch collection and next to our usual print designs we also created some wall art and fashion prints that immediately sold out.

For the warmer season we created a range or joyful summer visuals. These were all sold within a few days. One of our clients loved these series so much she wanted to create a range of visuals to use for her product rage next to the licensed surface designs she uses. Since we have a lot of illustrations ready-made in stock we'll be creating some more matching designs combining illustrations, print design, and cute typography quotes and funny sayings.

Licensing print designs
The designs featured have been licensed non-exclusively. That means it it still available for licensing for you if you want to use it for your production. If you like to license our prints for your business too please send us a message. We license print designs all over the world and we love to welcome new collabs.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Finished Work: Mels-Vida - Logo Design for a Hair Salon

We love going back to our roots and get our teeth into a branding project. Melanie has been a hair stylist for almost 20 years and this year she opened her own salon. And we got to dig in and create a new identity for her business. A well-crafted logo and cohesive branding can significantly impact the success of a business. It builds brand recognition, and creates a sense of trust.

Logo design and branding are crucial elements of a business’s identity. They go hand in hand to create a cohesive, recognizable presence in the market and communicate the values, mission, and personality of a company. We created a brand new logo for her business and created various graphic designs. The inspiration for her logo came from her two biggest passions in life: travel & hair. We wanted to make a cute and inviting visual, complementing her radiant character. Fun, playful, and creative. We also created a surface pattern for her give-aways & business related product line.

Need a logo for your business too?
A logo is a visual symbol or graphic that represents a brand. It is the first point of contact between a business and its audience and serves as the foundation for the overall brand identity. If you are also looking for a logo designer who can create a strong visual identity? Reach out and send us a message. Let's get to know each other!

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Finished Work: Thea Fashion for Kids / Boys Summer collection

We have some beautiful new pieces for Thea Fashion to show you. We've been working with Angela for a couple of years. Before the pandamic she already licensed designs of ours. Every month she selects some designs of ours.

Over the years she has launched numerous designs for her fabric collection. Her customers make the most wonderful creations. This spring she picked one of our surf themes for her boys collection. We also stated making visuals to apply on t-shirts and accessories. Usually she's all about color but for this launch she used more neutral colors and earthy tones. Our shaka design was part of our Sea & Salt collection and we're so excited it has founds a home at Angela's fabric store. And look what customers already created with our seamless print design and visuals.

Angela Loves pairing up her prints with neutral tones and basic textures. Stripes and checkers are easy to mix and match. All of those prints sure form a cute boys collection. Contrasting or color blocking.

Licensing print designs
This design was licensed non-exclusively. That means it it still available for licensing for you if you want to use it for your production. If you like to license our prints for your business too please send us a message. We license print designs all over the world and we love to welcome new collabs.

Monday, June 3, 2024

The Big Archive Summer Sale is live! License our designs for €34 all summer long

Enjoy our first collection of discounted designs! View our Dropbox folder or join our Pinterest Page for the full collection of designs & stay in the loop for our weekly new batches of designs going into the archive summer sale.

Make sure to sign up to our newsletter to view our selection of seamless designs. We’ll be adding more themes and colors every week for as long as our archive needs organizing. I know a bunch of our followers are waiting for a sweet deal. So make sure to sign up to that list and get first dibs. Here’s a tiny peek already. We're including some oldies made during our first years. We are including tons of abstracts, animals, botanicals. Boho & Retro styles and many more.

Licensing print designs
If you like to license our prints for your business too please send us a message. We license print designs all over the world and we love to welcome new collabs. You can find more info about licensing on our website.

Saturday, June 1, 2024

The Big Archive Clean-Out Sale / License seamless designs for only €35 per print - all summer long

With over 34.000 designs and a bunch just waiting to be loved we needed a big spring clean! We are preparing to add new designs into our sale section and this Friday the first designs will be announced. These forgotten beauties will be available for €34 only.

Make sure to sign up to our newsletter to view our selection of seamless designs. We’ll be adding more themes and colors every week for as long as we need to organize things. I know a bunch of our followers are waiting for a sweet deal. So make sure to sign up to that list and get first dibs. Here’s a tiny peek already. We're including some oldies made during our first years. We are including tons of abstracts, animals, botanicals. Boho & Retro styles and many more.

Licensing print designs
If you like to license our prints for your business too please send us a message. We license print designs all over the world and we love to welcome new collabs. You can find more info about licensing on our website.

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

The Lookbook - Aztec & Mudcloth / Abstract geometric print designs

Sometimes a client inspires us to do an entire collection. I traveled to Mexico 5 years ago already and created some Mexican traditional textile inspired designs after visiting this wonderful colorful place. I love the colorful woolen blankets. And when Libby (The Paws) asked us what we had available I just had to create a new series of Aztec designs.

Aztec designs & geometric prints are so much fun to make. Creating geometric shapes and putting them in a repeat creates very surprising designs. I never know how they turn our and I never plan on creating a certain shape up front. It’s something that just appears as out of no-where and unplanned. While playing with typical aztec shapes and details the most beautiful designs are created. We sure hope you love ‘m too. We already licensed some of this new collection but the ones featured here are available still to purchase if you’d like to use them.

Most of the designs shown her and on our socials too are available for licensing. That means you can pay a fee and in return we will send you the original files which you can use for your own production. This covers commercial usage too. Want some more info about licensing and costs involved? You can find more info about our rates on the website. We have a lot more boho & native inspired designs available. Just shoot us a message if you'd like to browse our full portfolio.

These designs are now available for licensing. And we also have some of these designs available on fabric & wallpaper through our partners at Carriage House Printery & Spoonflower.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Re-fresh your home with new wallpaper / Go for dopamine maximalist or choose a basic abstract or earthy boho neutral

You might know we sell fabric through Spoonflower. But did you know when Spoonflower was taken over last year the company's gotten more serious about wallpaper? There are more options to choose from and more discounts on swatches and rolls. Time to bring some attention to this beautiful product.  

We have over 30.000 designs in our Spoonflower shop. All these designs can also be ordered as wallpaper. We started working with Spoonflower when their main focus was on fabrics still. So most designs are uploaded with sewing projects in mind and have small scales fitting those creative jobs. But. All designs we have up, we can also make available in larger scales. By enlarging the scale of a design the image gets bolder and a little more balsy (that a word?) Or go for contrast. You can use smaller scales if you have large patterned upholstery and prints in your home already. A contrasting scale in pattern always is fun to play with. Making a scale bigger makes it a little less romantic and a little more modern. You can clearly see the difference in these images, right?

Personally I am super afraid to apply wallpaper myself. Not to have it on my wall, but to mount it. I am quite the perfectionist, so I love working with a professional installer myself to get wallpaper up. But if you're on a budget, the peel and stick option is a perfect way to re-fresh your home. In a short time you can totally transform your place with some wallpaper. And with so many designs we have a print for everyone. The dopamine decor lover, the country house girl, boho & abstract styles. You name it. We also have a ton of cute prints for the nursery and for your kids bedroom. And the beauty; they're always in stock. Spoonflower prints on demand. So every order is personally handled.

Not sure about your style? After Scandinavian earthy tones, Japandi designs we are slowly moving towards more gloomy colors and maximalist interiors. Anything goes. The beauty with wallpaper is you can easily re-fresh. You can also consult a home stylist or interior decorator to help you decide what feels right for you.

Come have a look at all wallpaper designs we have available. Need another scale for your home decor project or another color palette to fit the rest of your interior? Just reach out to us. We offer new versions, free of charge.

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Customer Spotlight: Buckle Me Baby - Print designs for PJs

Over the years we worked with a couple of trailblazers but when we got an email from Dahlia explaining what kind of product she created we got so excited to jump in and create some prints for her.  

Her story all began while raising her three kids and struggling to get them into their car seats during the colder season. With their coats to be too puffy they were not safe to keep on. But those cold rides were no fun for her kids either. Safety shouldn’t be a struggle, and she created the perfect coat for kids that could be kept on safely in those car seats. From 2016 to 2020 she developed her product got it tested and approved. And in 2020 she appeared on Shark Tank giving her that boost to keep going and create some real magic.

We love her Buckle Me Baby Coats, and we are so honored to be part of her creative journey. It’s where solving a problem and making something easier truly is a form of art. My designer hearts sure loves what she makes! If only all products put on this planet made this much sense. In her shop she also has other pieces of clothing for little ones and for her Pyjama Collection she used some Little Smilemakers print designs we really want to show you. We love the finished pieces. They turned out cute right?

Dahlia licensed our designs non-eclusively but she does have an extended license with exclusivity to her branch. With the Premium license you can use our ready-made designs and keep them unique to your company without breaking the bank. Need some prints for your products too? You can find more info about using our designs and our licensing options on our website.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Typographic Dog Quotes - New Graphic Designs for The Paws

We've been working with The Paws for a couple of years already, and we made tons of surface pattern designs for their dog accessory range. This week we worked on some typography designs for a new range of products. And we couldn't be more pleased with the result.

Typography & Graphic Design was my mayor in Art School. While making logos for clients I can use that love for typography very often but somehow we've not been creating many typograhy designs lately. So it was wonderful creating a series of new designs for one of our favorite customers. We loved playing with type, styles and color. And adding a small illustration here are there.

If you like what you see and need some artwork for your hoodies, shirts or paper goods. if you need any print designs or illustrations for your business you can find more info on our website and get in touch with us there.

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Pride designs - Queer inspired designs / Free for Commercial usages

Did you know our pride designs are free to use commercially? We make new designs around pride month each year. And all designs are available for licensing, completely free for commercial and personal use. We believe in supporting the causes that matter.

I grew up with a brother that was 11 years older and he loved dressing his full size Barbie doll (yup, me!). So it didn’t come as a surprise when he brought home a boyfriend. Growing up in a small town being gay was just not very accepted. My brother already moved to a city where obviously there’s a lot more diversity. But I was stuck on a school that was not very accepting of my ‘family’s choices.’ I loved my brother and thought it was the strangest thing that people would come up to me and spit in my face because they heard my brother was living with a man. So I was a lesbian then right? Oh those ignorant people. I met a lot of them.

When I travel I also visit places where this kind of LGBTQ+ diversity is hidden. Or just completely criminalized. I do visit these places because I think it’s good to open a conversation. I actually discuss my brother often when we’re talking to strangers abroad. They first meet me, I’m pretty all right, so they enter the conversation with an open mind. An invitation to talk openly.

This month we licensed some Pride designs to our dear customer Angela who’s the force behind The Fashion for Kids. She’ll be offering our designs on fabric and if you’re EU based you can order a piece on her website. We believe in making the world more colorful and fun. More inclusive and kind. And that means everyone’s welcome. If you resonate with our story. Please get in touch. We love working together with the warm hearted and like-open-minded.

I believe those small nudges matter. Talking about it, anywhere, matters. You want to meet half-way right? In order to see things from another perspective, you have to step out of your own comfort zone. And my experience is it’s not that filled with hate as we try to teach people. It’s just the lack of diversity growing up in a society where this kind of freedom just isn’t common that causes an unsafe atmosphere. So that’s why I don’t ban certain places from my travel list. I might agree, disagree, but it’s about connection. And you can do that with anyone as long as you’re open to it.

We live in a country that puts individuality above everything. Which I think isn’t the holy grail at all. We can’t live without each other. So I can understand why one of my friends accepted himself fully, but chose to live as a cis man with a women and kids. His culture & tradition’s wired like that. You choose the greater good: family above everything. And so everyone has a story. Hopefully our prints will trigger those conversations. We don’t fight for what’s right, but just kill ‘m with kindness. Open your eyes for all that diversity.

Most of the designs shown her and on our socials too are available for licensing. That means you can pay a fee and in return we will send you the original files which you can use for your own production. This covers commercial usage too. Want some more info about licensing and costs involved? You can find more info about our rates on the website. We have a lot more queer inspired designs available. Just shoot us a message if you'd like to browse our full portfolio.

These designs are now available for licensing. And we also have some of these designs available on fabric & wallpaper through our partners at Carriage House Printery & Spoonflower.

Thursday, April 18, 2024

The Lookbook - Midnight Kitty / Print designs for cat lovers

Over the years we’ve been working together with tons of dog accessory businesses all over the globe. We created many dog designs but cats weren’t as represented in our portfolio that often. Probably because we don't need so much gear for these fluffy ones. We do have some cat accessory customers buying our fabric. But we don't focus on the cat target group very often. This year I decided it was time to dedicate some time to creating new cat designs.

Last summer we had to say goodbye to our 19-year-old black cat Duvel. And this collection is a little celebration of his spooky night shenanigans. We still miss our little Duvel and the past months we’ve seen him come to life on several of our client’s products. I am so happy he’s living on in our designs & fabrics now.

Last January we rescued a new kitty. She’s around 8 years old and brings us so many laughs. It’s truly amazing what these small creatures can do for us. Time to celebrate. Inspired by our oldie and with the joy of our new cat. Hope you like this new mini-collection! All designs are available for licensing. If you license our designs we will send you the original files which you can use for your own production. This covers commercial usage too. Want some more info? Shoot us a message.

These designs are now available for licensing. And we also have some of these designs available on fabric & wallpaper through our partners at Carriage House Printery & Spoonflower.

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

The Lookbook - The Simple Patriot / Celebrating the 4th of July in modern minimalist style

Meet out new minimalist retro style Patriotic designs. Over the years we created many patriot prints. American inspired designs in red and blues, perfect for National Holidays like the 4th of July. These last months we made some more simplistic design versions around this theme.

Our Patriot designs always have been quite busy. With lots of detailing and different elements in one print design. This year we wanted to make two new collections. One that's a little more on the trend with groovy seventies flower power influences. And one more minimalist style. We noticed we have two types of customers. One that go for the all maximalist kind of design for wallpaper, dog accessories and kids clothing. And one that is looking for a more mature and neutral tone for their items.

Hopefully with these new minimalist designs we can cater to our customers who are looking for a more boho & simplistic aesthetic. The designs featured here are available for licensing. We have more color options from each design available and we have some more designs not shown here. Want to see them al? Just shoot us a message.

These designs are now available for licensing. And we also have some of these designs available on fabric & wallpaper through our partners at Carriage House Printery & Spoonflower.

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Finished work: Days of Gold - Day Care in the Woods - Logo Design

Rainbows & Sprinkles has been one of our long term clients. We created hundreds of prints for Lucy’s sportswear brand. Last year we created a logo for her basic line of sports pieces before she decided to change course and sell her business. While creating designs we discussed our mutual love for animals and her biggest dream was to be surrounded by animals all day. In the summer of 2023 she found a large plot of land with stables, horses, right up the hills and surrounded with woods. She decided to change everything and start a Day Care. A place to grow up and play surrounded by nature and animals. 

We were so sad to see her leave Rainbows and Sprinkles, but she’s such an inspiration. She turned her life around and has worked on opening up her day care for months. For her new business we created a brand new logo design reflecting the surroundings of her new Nature day care: Days of Gold. We created some really crisp clean cut designs, freehand logo’s and some designs with badges reminding us of the scouts. Did you join them when you were a kid?

As a kid I grew up in the country side with lots of space to play. Take care of animals, build bridges over streams and little huts. So this logo was a fun piece to create. Something I could personally relate to. Here we’ll explain the logo designing process, so you can have a little insight on how we work. In case you need something for your branding swell.

Step 1: The Business Before we start we want to know everything about the business. Is it already ‘out there’ as an established brand? What are the core values. Some insight about the philosophy is key to create something that really connects. A logo should reflect your brand in a flash. What makes you different than others in your branch. We ask all the questions before even making a quote. For Days of Gold it was a smooth process since we know Lucy personally. This step was quickly taken. But most people we create logo’s for need some time figuring this out first. And we are happy to guide and assist when you still need to find out your business identity. It’s all part of the branding.

Step 2: Who’s your customer For Days of Gold we knew it would not be attracting the usual parent. Playing outside in the mud all day is a little different than your usual day care. Knowing your customer is really important. You have to understand what it is they’re looking for and what connects them to your brand.

Step 3: The Quote We have several packages for logo design and branding. Some of our customers just look for a catchy visual that sticks. Some want the whole shebang with a website and all the graphic elements attached to branding. This particular job was reduced to a logo design only to start with.

Step 4: The Design process When we have a clear agreement and laid down the basics above we start the design process. Usually this starts with a brainstorm and a free sketch routine in which shapes, notes and illustrations are put down on paper. For some designs we create everything by hand on paper. So did we for the first drafts. From there we translate those sketched onto the computed and create new vector sketches in Adorable Illustrator. For every logo design process we create a minimum of 3 design options, and branding directions, to choose from.

Step 5: The first presentation In our first presentation we put all sketches we made and create a story on how the design was developed. And how it involved during the process. Resulting into three proposals that are ready to use. We create some mock-ups and color versions for each proposal and explain why we made certain design decisions. Because it’s not all drawing. A logo design has an entire philosophy attached that will lift up your business. And normally you can’t see that in a blink. So we create a little guidance so a design makes sense for everyone.

Step 6: An hour of tweaks In our pricing we include an hour of changes after the first presentation. Usually it only takes some small tweaks. For Lucy, it was almost an immediate go on the first draft. She chose the circular logo. Easy to use as a badge on clothing and versatile. the premises also has a glamping on it, so with this shape we could also expand to logo versions per business. For this project we didn’t even need that extra hours but for some projects we need some more time to tweak and adjust.

Step 7: Payment In case you haven’t worked with us before. We never send out any finished artwork before we get paid. After we receive our payment in full we wrap things up.

Step 8: Finishing Up The last step is creating files that are workable for our clients. We have clients that need different types of files and versions. We all include those. Logo files for web. Logo files in high resolution for print. And Pantone colors. If you work on an entire branding project with us this is the moment we can go further and talk website & graphic items.

Need a logo for your new start-up or project? Or does your business need a re-vamp? We would love to take on your branding. Check our website for more info & rates. You can contact us there directly by filling out the contact form.

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Customer Spotlight: Kiki & Lulu / Joyful print designs for little ones

A new season a new print! Every season Kiki & Lulu has another Little Smilemakers design in their collection. This spring they launched a design that was based on one of our all-time best-selling designs.  

Kiki & Lulu is a company based in the United States. Their mission is to create joyful pieces for little ones that are high quality and beautifully manufactured. Kiki & Lulu have the most adorable PJ’s and kids pieces. Soft and comfy and always carrying colorful designs. For their beautiful range we created some wonderful print designs. We are so grateful working together and see our designs come to life. How cute is this little boy in our surf print? Pinch me! This finished piece sure deserves a spot on the blog right?

Our surf design is our non-exclusive design portfolio and was altered to match Kiki & Lulu's wishes. We changed some detailing, removed some here and added some extra illustrations there. Need some prints for your products too? You can find more info about using our designs on our website.

Monday, April 8, 2024

The Lookbook - Pinky Blossom / Where Seventies meets Nineties / Flowers for Summer

We have sent out four new lookbooks to our insiders last week. If you're signed up to our newsletter you might have seen them already. It's time to show them to you on the blog too. We created 4 new collections. New Abstract Aztec designs, Patriotic prints for 4th of July celebrations, a new collection with cats for fall and new flowers. We keep on making those!

Behind the scenes we create a ton of designs for exclusive usage. The ones that don't make the cut eventually end up in our non-exclusive design stash and can be licensed from there. We have customers that bring in requests we didn't cover. Themes we want to create a collection around. And we create lookbooks from designs made in our studio in between jobs. With this balance of input we can show you new lookbooks regularly. The first of this batch of four are these new colorful flowers.

The past year we license many flower designs. Especially large scales and over sized prints are doing well and the contrasting ditsy flower. This new Pink Blossom Flowers print collection reflects this mix of trends. It's a collection in which the Seventies meet the Nineties. With use of Nineties detailing and retro touches. Which one of these gives you all the granny vibes? And which one do you think is most nineties? These designs are perfect for summer creations. Back to school products, swimwear and dog accessories. See something you like? These designs can all be commercially used through licensing.

These designs are now available for licensing. And we also have some of these designs available on fabric & wallpaper through our partners at Carriage House Printery & Spoonflower.

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Customer Spotlight: Pawsome Paws seamless pattern designs for dog accessories

It’s been years since we started working with Pawesome Paws. This beautiful business was then a one-human handmade business and over the years they turned out to be a hit on the UK dog accessory market. Sophie, who started Pawesome Paws in her spare bedroom turned her life around, started her business and now has a flourishing brand, one of the largest dog accessory companies based in the UK, selling homewares, sportswear, dog accessories and sooooo much more.  

It’s been so lovely watching her grow from the side lines and see our designs in her collections. Over the years we created many designs from colorful leopard prints to Valentine themes. Here’s a little trip down memory lane with Gregory & Georgina the giraffes. Celebrating their 4 year anniversary at Pawsome Paws Boutique. Two prints that are part of their all-time best selling designs. They sure are pretty cute right? They still have some harnesses, leashes, bows and poop bag holders in stock. So if you need something cute for your pupper check their website.

Our Giraffes were part of our non-exclusive design portfolio and first licensed non-exclusively. After 4 years Sophie purchased a buy out, so they found a forever home with Pawsome Paws. Need some prints for your products too? You can find more info about using our designs on our website.

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Celebrating World Autism Awareness Day

Leaving this one here to share. We are celebrating world autism awareness day today and celebrating all of you ♥️ Life can be hard when you don't feel you belong. It's exhausting trying to fit in. Just being you should be the norm. In general people have a hard time accepting others that don't fit that norm (they set themselves). I was brought up in a home where being yourself was not accepted. I still get furious if people judge what's different in others. 

Let's accept people for who they fully are in all shapes, sizes, gender and color. Celebrate those differences. Celebrate that magic! A little more patience would come a long way and it starts with awareness, the basics. That's why days like these are so important!

Thursday, March 28, 2024

New Summer Romance Collection - Available at Carriage House Printery - Print on demand fabrics

For 2 years now we've been working with Carriage House Printery. A family-run company that prints fabric on demand. The past couple of months we've been growing our CHP portfolio, and we're adding new designs every week. 

This month we released our summer collections. Seamless surface pattern designs created around different summer topics. We covered some new boho designs, neutral surf themes. We covered romantic florals and little bees and poppies. And we just released our Summer Romance Collection that's inspired by the tropical lush jungle. With leaves and flowers, sweet quirky shaped fruits. All in bright colors. For this collection we created a more minimalist style but were inspired by maximalist color palettes.

Have you seen all our newest designs already? You can find this collection and many more new themes on our website. These print designs are now available for licensing. And we also have some of these new designs available on fabric & wallpaper through our partners at Carriage House Printery & Spoonflower. Want to be kept in the loop and get these new prints straight into your inbox? Sign up to our newsletter and become a Little Smilemakers insider.

If you want to use our designs or illustrations for your business you can find more info about using our designs commercially on our website.

Friday, March 15, 2024

The Lookbook: Summer Meadow

This year we launched 13 lookbooks already. But we completely forgot to mention them here n the blog. Some collections are made, inspired by travels, others are inspired by nature, or every day life. Our sunrise meadow is a personal tale.  

The past four years Maaike has bee struggling with her health a lot. Long covid on chronic illness has hit pretty hard. But little walks around her neighborhood every day kept her grounded and in touch with nature. These small elements of every day pops of life were the inspiration for this collection. Small blooming flowers in early March. Insects and bees. Leaves. Colors bringing nature back to life after winter time. The transition to new possibilities and growth.

4 years have flown by. And the power of creation has kept her mentally strong. This collection is one of hope and future. These designs are now available for licensing. And we also have some of these designs available on fabric & wallpaper through our partners at Carriage House Printery & Spoonflower. Want to be kept in the loop and get these new prints straight into your inbox? Sign up to our newsletter and become a Little Smilemakers insider.

These designs are now available for licensing. And we also have some of these designs available on fabric & wallpaper through our partners at Carriage House Printery & Spoonflower.