Every year we make over a thousand new pattern designs and we noticed there is a mayor dis-balance when it comes to girl vs boy prints. The majority of licensed designs are Gender neutrals and more girly print designs. 70% of all our designs are girly prints and licensed for kids fashion and accessories and baby nursery textiles and home decor.
Since there is so much demand for girls, we realized it was about time to add some cool boy prints to our collection. We realized we needed to upgrade our selection of boy prints and wanted to show you this new collection of designs. Perfect for kids swimwear, fashion items, and fabric. And we’d love to see them in those tiny human bedrooms too. Those palm leaves make a great wallpaper, right?
This collection was sent out as an exclusive set of designs are is now available to license both exclusively or non-exclusively. We just released our latest print designs are all of these are now available to either license as a collection or you can license single prints if there’s just one that catches your eye. Wanna license print designs for your business? Please send us a message. We’ve also put some more info about licensing on our blog earlier this year, so if you’d like to read more about that and check out if licensing could be something for you read the blog post and find out step-by-step what you need to keep in mind before licensing print designs. Any questions? We’re happy to help. Just reach out!
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