What if learning to design fabric was as easy as messing around with pencils and paints? The Spoonflower Handbook puts surface design for fabric, wallpaper and gift wrap well within the reach of creative people everywhere.
Designing fabric, wallpaper, and gift wrap used to be the stuff of dreams. Few artists ever got a chance to try it, and printing even a few yards required significant financial investment. But times have changed, and today anyone with a computer, internet connection, and idea can upload a file and, at modest cost, order their own fabric or paper, printed one yard at a time. At the forefront of this revolutionary DIY movement is Spoonflower, a North Carolina startup that produces designs for hundreds of thousands of creative people worldwide — printing 24 hours a day/seven days a week to keep up with demand.
The Spoonflower Handbook is an essential step-by-step user’s manual and project collection for this booming new creative outlet. Written for both new and experienced users of this print-on-demand technology, it covers everything from equipment to software to working with photos, scans, repeats, and vector files, and includes projects for the home and wardrobe as well as special tutorials contributed by members of the Spoonflower community.
Spoonflower began in 2007 with an idea, when cofounder Stephen Fraser’s wife, in search of fabric for curtains, casually said to her husband, “Wouldn’t it be cool if there was a place where you could order fabric you designed yourself?” With the Spoonflower Handbook, now all the DIYers who have ever thought about sewing their own curtains can design not only their own fabric but also their own wallpaper and gift wrap, and have it delivered right to the front door.
For this book Little Smilemakers Studio was selected as one of Spoonflower's participants. Would you like to order a copy of The Spoonflower handbook. Order this creative resource on Amazon today.
This post was originally posted on the Spoonflower blog.